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You Said.. We Did!

Your feedback is very important to us.
We've listened to your feedback and here are a few changes we made:

Increased Female Doctors in the Surgery

Added a Blood Pressure Monitor in the Waiting Room 

Introducing Online Consultations

Hired a dietitian

Improved Our Website

Increased the number of appointments

Introduced Late Appointment Hours and Weekends

Introduced Patient Online Booking, Prescription and Result Access

Added a water machine for our patients

Added new Prescription box in reception

Planted flowers outside the practice 


We are always looking to improve our practice. We love hearing your suggestions and we will make every effort to make the improvements that you suggest!
Please note: This is not a communication portal, it is used solely for feedback purposes. Should you wish to contact Willesden Green Surgery, please do via the phone or email.

Thanks! Message sent.

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